😇😇😇 HEALTH CLUB students engaged in activities for mental well-being and affirmations to express gratitude.
SCIENCE CLUB students investigated about useful microorganisms.🔬🔬🧪🧪🦠🦠🦠
🕗🕘📝📝✈️✈️ Integrating Life Skills and scanning reading, students of LITERARY CLUB were given the task of Schedule Reading. Students also cooked up some humorous stories in the Accordion Story activity.
ART CLUB introduced its members to Line Art, one of the oldest forms of art . Line art is used to depict a variety of subjects, such as portraits, still lifes and comic books.✏️✏️📝📝
🧮➕➖🟰 MATH CLUB members learnt about Vedic Maths , a collection of methods to solve numerical computations quickly and faster.