Aizza Formation Day

- 7th July marks the founding day of NSA.
- On 21st of Rajab 1295 Hijri (1876 A.D), 147 years ago in 1876 A.D, the school was founded by Nawab Raffath Yar Jung.
- This long journey of NSA, since its inception as Madrasa to a CBSE affiliated school, was briefly shared by the students and a few senior teachers in the morning assembly.
- Aizzans were in a pleasant surprise to know that Ms.Farha Mohani who has been working in Aizza for 22 years is actually an alumnus of NSA.
- The pride of being a part of this heritage was clearly visible in the eyes of every Aizzan and heard in their voices as they sang the school song.
P.S: Birds chirping in the background as the students sang looked as if they were proud too be a part of this heritage.