Rules & Regulations
1. Children should not indulge in any act that will spoil the image of the school
2. Students should speak politely with one another in English and wish all the teachers in
3. Students should speak only in English during class hours and on ground except in the
Urdu period.
4. Student should look down while speaking to the Teacher.
5. Students will be reprimanded for late coming
o First time – The child will be excused with a written warning.
o Second time – Four rounds of the school campus.
o Third time – Student will made to sit on the floor whole day inclass.
6. Child must keep the campus and classroom clean. Cleaning duty will be given on campus
or building.
7. Students who do not do their Home work will have to stay during lunch and short break
or after school to complete work.
8. Students should switch off fans and lights before leaving the class or the class will be
9. Small prayer to be said in the evening.
10. Duties will be given to the students like class captain, cupboard, black board etc. and
must be carried out diligently.
11. Students must stand aside and wait for the teachers to pass
12. Rewards will be given to encourage students during assembly / class
13. Boys can wear black belts only.
14. No cash or Jewellery must be brought or worn to school. School fees should be paid
before the short break by high school students only.
In order to help your child to benefit fully from the various activities of the school, please ensure
that the following simple rules and regulations are followed strictly or action will be taken by
school authorities.
1. The child must come to school ON TIME and every working day. Please remember that
the child misses a lot when he / she does not attend school. 90% attendance is
2. When the child is ill, please inform the school in writing that he/she will not be able to
attend school. Please produce a Medical Certificate when he / she returns to school. All
leave letters must be written in the diary only.
3. Please avoid taking the child out on trips out of town during the school days and no half
day will be granted to children other than emergencies.
4. Fee must be paid at the school office before the 15th of every month, failing which a
fine of Rs. 50 will have to be paid.
5. Parent teacher meetings are held after each unit test / examination. Parents are
requested to attend these regularly and also personally receive their child’s progress
report after each unit test and exam.
6. Parents MUST also attend all the school functions and help the child participate in all
activities of the school. This co-operation is needed to help your child develop fully.
7. Please ensure that the student brings essential things to school such as pencils, eraser,
ruler, note-books etc.
8. No jewellery or fashionable accessories of any kind is permitted for both girls and boys.
9. All pupils admitted to the school must produce a copy of their birth certificate issued by
the Municipal Corporation with the pupil’s name and date of birth. No change in the
name and date of birth will be made later.
10. Three months notice in writing must be given by the parents/guardians before a child is
withdrawn. No transfer certificate will be issued untill all fees due to the school are
paid. Those who leave in March, April must pay the fees for the month of May also.
11. Parents are requested to check and sign their child’s diary daily since all
communications between parents and school will normally be done through this book.
Only in case of emergency can the school be called.
12. Pupils should not offer presents to their teachers except on “ Teacher’s day”.
13. If your child is sick or has any physical disability / allergies, you must let the school
authorities know immediately and please do not send a sick child to school.
14. No re-test or re-exam will be conducted if a student is absent for a unit test or exam.
Whatever the reason might be, the criteria for promotion will be the overall
performance of the students through out the year.
15. All activities, specially educational trips are compulsory and all amounts related to
these activities have to be paid even if the child remains absent.
16. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against misbehaviour in the school and after 3
written notices, the child will be suspended.
17. Parents must not take the child side when He/She is being reprimanded (Scolded) as
this makes them more disobedient.
18. Parents should see that students come regularly and punctual to school.
19. No permissions during unit test will be given.
20. Parents must not sit inside the school premises during assembly or school hours,
specially to feed lunch. They need to take permission from principal and Incharges to
meet teachers and students.
21. Parents must see to it that they speak politely to the staff and come into the school
office to complain than talk outside.
22. No mobile phones and expensive gadgets are allowed in the school. Students
cannot come to school on motor cycles and driving cars.