WhatsApp Image 2023-01-09 at 12.22.37 PM (1)
WhatsApp Image 2023-01-09 at 12.22.37 PM


Thank you for your interest in Neo School Aizza. We are honored that you are taking the time to learn about Neo School Aizza – a truly magical place.

Complete our Online Inquiry Form to let us know that you
are interested in Ed School
You will be sent a schedule of tour dates in which you may register for one that
After completing the inquiry online form, you may sign onto your family’s ED portal page
Award for the best school

Frequently asked questions

Why Aizza?

We at Aizza not only concentrate on Academics but also on the physical development of the child. Aizza aims at focusing the three dimensional growth of a child in following aspects: Physical, Mental and Verbal.

Fee Office Timings

Monday to Saturday, 9:30 am-4:00 pm and Saturday 9:30 am to 1:30 pm

Days of Operation!

Monday to Saturday, 8.30 am -4:00 pm and Saturday 8.30 am to 1:00 pm.

Locate us on Google!
Can I meet the teacher in school hours?

No, we have separate hours when you can come and meet the teacher. Teachers are strictly instructed not to leave the class room while teaching.

Admission procedure?

Please visit our campus with your child and the mandatory documents such as birth certificate, Aadhar card. Your child will be asked to take the admission exam after which a short round of interview with the parents and child is done.

Open 6 days a week INFO
We are open six days a week excluding second Saturday.
Contact Us